Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

I'm now made aware of FontAwesome releases by watching for releases (I'm alerted through the notifications Inbox). Since this is pretty sufficient, going to close the issue.

Sorry for the delay on this. And thanks for fixing these crazy statements! I have to revisit this soon to see if this still works as intended with the fix....

Could you provide the code you used for the plot? Also, a listing of the packages installed would be helpful.

Sorry for the late reply, I don't think it's possible to successfully combine Microsoft365R with blastula (it was never tested to work together). I'd would try composing the message and...

Yeah, was going to say (nearly 2 years ago) that the host address seems a bit long.

Could you provide the body of the message? Or the code used to generate the email?

Yeah! Two years... I'm finally catching up. I guess I'll close this but I'll be sure to test .Rmd rendered emails through Gmail during the next bit of work on...

Thanks @cderv for this work! It's looking really good so far in the PR. I will test it out with live emails (I can show you some of this in...

The caption is purposefully a bit non-customizable. This is mostly because (I think) we are leaving it up to Quarto / R Markdown to position it whichever way it can....