Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

We will look into this because this definitely does *not* look right.

Thank you @steveputman , I think this time we will be more ready for this contribution!

@steveputman Thanks for being patient and continuing to contribute to your PR for this issue. I promise that the stars will align on this one and your contribution will be...

Thanks for filing this issue! This appears to be a problem with the inlining codepath and it does require fixing such that image data is preserved.

Glad to see there's a workaround for this! However, there should be `cell_borders()` solution as well.

@pabuta88 Could you share some screenshots and a bit more info on what could be made better? There are a variety of approaches that can be taken to improve tables...

This is a good idea and definitely something we could include in `as_raw_html()`.

I totally agree that cell merging would be a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

This is a feature request for {gtExtras} really. Could you file this issue at please? Closing this here.

Ah I see. Yeah, this is a stylistic break from the other formats for sure. We'll try to work on this soon but seeing as there are some critical bugs...