Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

Just curious, have you tried this with a different email server (i.e., not Gmail)? Also, does the log from the cron job show anything suspect w.r.t. Gmail?

This would be a great PR, thanks!

I think it’s a good idea to have both import and export functions. Thanks for the suggestion!

It's possible but, during my testing, it's not really obvious how to do this (but the method I'll show here seems to work). Try this: create an Rmd file and...

Jeroen, this looks great (I discovered askpass well after getPass but never got around to making the switch). Could you make a quick change to update the one, new git...

I do like the idea of returning a logical (and *always* returning something once getting to `curl::send_mail()`, thanks @jnolis for the code example). This will be changed in `smtp_send()` but...

@MislavSag a better way to set an environment variable with R is by putting it in your `.Renviron` file. It's really easy to open with `usethis::edit_r_environ()`. Once you're in the...

Will, I'd like to take pretty much any opportunity to increase the security of the on-disk credentials file (since keyring creds are not always an option). The `use_ssl` argument is...

Thanks for exploring this. This is something we thought about awhile back, but we weren't able to test it on an SMTP server that allowed for no password. Question: what...