Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

The issue with the reading should be fixed now. And you’re right, a README improvement talking about the bundled executables should be done!

Apologies for the slowness here. I'm planning on overhauling the dispersion model code and also improve the output. I'll fix those console messages (so that they no longer appear incessantly)...

@JunyanL This is a very good idea! I've moved your suggestion over to so it can be individually tracked.

It seems like we should have a helper function like `traj_episodes()` that accepts timing and location information, along with an episode name for the group. This aligns nicely with an...

Thanks for the suggestion! Adding this to the list of things to do.

Have you tried using `smtp_send()` with other SMTP providers? I'm wondering whether this is an issue that's specific to Gmail.

Thanks for the feature request. This is definitely something we'll want to add in.

We’ll take a closer look at this but I can explain part of this. The `compose_email()` codepath uses the commonmark package to do its md to HTML conversion. Using RMarkdown...

We will take a closer look at this later in the year (when we start working on blastula again). As a workaround, you can save the gt table as an...

Have to admit, it's been awhile since I had a look at the gmailr package but I agree that it shouldn't be difficult. Please let me know how I could...