Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

So this would be a breaking change. Are there any valid/common usecases for JS inside web_accessible_resources? Also one thing that probably is useful is [using the image transformer to resize/encode...

This search for which bundle is served as the index should instead do: - if there are 2 or more html bundles: 404 (because of the ambiguity, maybe the...

Is something planned regarding this for Parcel 2?


> parcel-bundler/parcel/projects/5 We don't really use Github Projects, this does not reflect our priorities. > Looking at that board though, I see Rust transformer, Kotlin transformer, Reason transformer. We had...

> babel.config.**js** That is detrimental at least for production builds. I think every JS file is being reprocessed. Could you try to use a `babel.config.json` with an env key instead?...

Also: can you try to adding `--no-hmr` and seeing if the "Built in ..." time is faster? Trying to isolate the cause....

You probably can't share your code? Are you using the most recent nightly? You can run Parcel with `--profile` which emits a file that can be loaded into Chrome devtools...

@justinfarrelldev Can you share more details? Is this with/without cache, development/production build? A profile via `parcel build --profile` would also be interesting

There's still nothing we can do here without a reproduction.