Milos Djermanovic

Results 463 comments of Milos Djermanovic

If we are not aware of any use cases for `globalReturn = true` other than commonjs modules, then option 1 seems best to me.

Does this particular example look a little better now? Seems that the red lines don't want to go much under the parens in Chrome, but at least something is visible...

> just like in the PR [eslint/eslint#14010](, the bot commented 3 times: > > * [eslint/eslint#14010 (comment)]( > * [eslint/eslint#14010 (comment)]( > * [eslint/eslint#14010 (comment)]( > > it makes a...

We have recently discussed this change (, but haven't reached a consensus to accept it. My opinion is still neutral, slightly towards accepting this change.

Hi @drazisil, thanks for the issue! > I propose that `EACCES` be added as a condition, since ESLint has no access, it should not panic, it can behave as if...

I'm not sure if `EACCES ` errors should be ignored, and how we would implement that in the new FlatESLint class, which will replace the current ESLint class and FileEnumerator...

> Not report an error, if the variable/function is "exported" Makes sense to me :+1: I think the main purpose of this rule is to prevent accidental creation of global...

> Should this be a bug rather than an enhancement? I think this was an oversight in the design because the `/* exported */` comments feature already existed when this...

Sorry for the confusion. Supporting `/* global testFunc: writable */` as a way to allow global `function testFunc` by using eslint directives may imply that the other directives such as...

Marked as `feat` because the change in counting can produce more warnings with the same configuration for this rule.