Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco

Results 135 comments of Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco

I will probably remove rawlog_record from this package in a subsequent release, since there is a more modern and flexible way to doing it via the upstream's app `rosbag2rawlog` from...

Hi @David9696 : It's not implemented in the public ROS repo, but for the specific case of gridmap-based localization, one can use this: - [laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty()]( from the mean pose of...

Cool! Please, open a PR adding a link to your project in our README to make it more visible.

Thanks! I don't have a CUDA dev environment setup nearby... could you please test the proposed changes and open a pull-request from your fork? The changes seem quite trivial, but...

Hi @alexsimon1 , I don't fully understand what you intend to do... If you refer to using rbpf-slam or icp-slam **limiting** the maximum lidar range to a certain value, then...

Hi, Did you already solved it? If not, please provide a small test case: - bag file - launch file to debug this.

Hi! I have just too fires to attend these weeks and can't look at this immediately.... perhaps @Logrus can give you an insight into that error? He made it to...

Great! @Logrus : Just in case, take a look at the regression I inadvertidly introduced a few days ago trying to avoid pointers, here: It was fixed here:

Hi Magnus, No, you didn't miss anything. It's simply that I never had the motivation/time to implement landmarks-based rbpf-slam. It was on my "wish list" during a long time, but...

This is being solved in the [mrpt-2.0]( branch. Probably will be merged to `master` sooner or later.