Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

Haha, yeah– discovery can be a hard problem. I'd love to see what you think of it some more. I focused a lot on trying to make it really performant...

We can definitely work on pretty-format to support what you're suggesting if you would like

@kennetpostigo $2B ain't enough to afford find-and-replace technology these days

Seems like this would be better integrated as a Parcel plugin for Style Dictionary that produces a CSS "virtual file" with all of the CSS variables.

I would like for it to yes. I don't think there's anything preventing it in the language

I've planned to rename it for a long time, I just don't have any better ideas right now

Ghost has reached a point where it would have to be compiled to Wasm which is starting to have support for threads now https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/10/wasm-threads I'm not sure what's needed for...

Actors, CSP, etc are things you would implement on top of threads. I think they would be more in the stdlib.

> it's a pretty small thing but it makes it feel really natural in ocaml and encourages the programmer to not have methods with side effects that also return values...

I've thought about not including default arguments and just encouraging: There's a couple different properties I don't like about this syntax: ```coffee let fn = fn (a: String = "default",...