Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

> Length of code correlates to readability, which correlates to maintainability. Length does not correlate to readability or maintainability, or Regex would be known as the most readable and maintainable...

Maybe all the documentation could be pulled into the `docs` directory in separate files and published to a very simple markdown-to-html website using GitHub Pages (with Jekyll) or [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com) (with...

You can make it so that you manually select which version of the site to deploy with Netlify. - Deploy with Netlify on every master build - Turn off auto-publishing...

Docusaurus is also really nice for allowing docs to be translated and versioned. Maybe worth the complexity

> The snapshot name extraction problem requires a change to the .snap format. We could either add a reverse lookup or store the test titles directly, though that makes parsing...

I was thinking it would do this: ```js t.snapshot(visual()); // effectively: t.snapshot({ isVisualSnapshot: true, value: "..." }); ``` I'm okay making it just a plain string though

Could this be written as an additional argument to `report(moduleName, webpackId)`? Also please remove the `package-lock.json` that was added in this PR

I don't need ya sass, I thought you had something locally before?

You should write a single test in a loop that goes through each of those since it's difficult to track all of the variations.