Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

Are you sure your app isn't rendering 3 separate times?

Hm, I'm not sure. Are those logging in the same run?

Since it's left up to the implementation, my opinion is that Babel should freeze it until either the spec is finalized or we discover a reason it can't be for...

Note that there were a number of concerns about the syntax in the Sept 2017 meeting. Particularly with how these are too similar: ```js fn(...b); // spread args, calls fn...

I don't think under any circumstances that Babel should implement top-level await. It's a great feature, but not one that Babel should attempt to support because of the interoperability implications.

Some speculation: - The biggest use case (imo) for TLA is Node scripts and CLIs. (`await import()` is a distant second) - Node will probably ship TLA within the next...

@littledan > I think it's worth it to get these things in Babel for early prototyping and feedback before Node would ship it, even if it might not be used...

> it requires wrapping every module in your program I should clarify that I mean "module" outside of it's meaning in 262 to include commonjs modules and such.

@jridgewell @michaelficarra @hzoo FYI I've edited your comments to add links to the proposals

This is certainly a behavior that would be good to have. If anyone wants to open a PR, that would be awesome! @skrobek Marionette Core is currently focused on getting...