Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

`_.mapValues` makes more sense to me as you are only manipulating the values in the object and not the keys. `_.mapObject` implies a limited set of functionality that `_.transform` has.

I'd be happy to spend a few hours looking for places to trim down (I'm sure others would too). However, no one was given the opportunity. I know what the...

Hey @backspaces and @bennlich, you might want to check out [6to5](http://6to5.github.io/). It compiles to very plain ES5 code similar to how coffeescript does. We have a great [gulp plugin](https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-6to5) since...

Every transform in 6to5 can easily be turned on and off, and all of the polyfills will default to using the native implementation if it exists. Traceur is very fast...

> Does this feature need new low-level capabilities to work successfully? No, this is possible to do with only the technologies provided by the web platform today. > Can this...

@philipwalton would you like help with this?

Hey @jgoux, you might also want to check out 6to5 (http://6to5.github.io/) and 6to5-browserify (https://github.com/6to5/6to5-browserify). I'm a contributor to 6to5, and if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them....

@novemberborn If you are interested in ZAP I can definitely return to it. The issue at the time is that I couldn't find any tools that immediately wanted to adopt...

Ava not having `describe()` blocks or any kind of nesting is actually a big reason I like it. --- From this twitter thread: https://twitter.com/jamiebuilds/status/954906997169664000 **Before:** ```js describe('foo', () => {...

@vitalets that doesn't actually work with arrow functions, but this isn't really about syntax. I don't care about the length of code, I care about the functionality and reusability. As...