Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

lol, the language is like 10% designed, nothing is implemented, there's no real "official" anything yet :P Yes, it's perfectly readable, but it's also a very very simple function signature,...

I did think of map and set being keywords, but I don't want `[|arrays|]`, maps, and sets to feel like second class citizens, or like they are somehow significantly different...

This won't work because a list of a single list is a valid thing people may want to do and relying on their being a whitespace is hard to notice....

This is the other syntax that I'm considering with keywords: ```coffee let map = map { 'a' = 1, 'b' = 2 } let empty = map {} let set...

Note: This is a complete rip-off of Rust because out of similar patterns, I like theirs best.

It's not any different, but adding overloading is a whole other featureset that I don't feel great about

I've been on the fence about identifier naming having special meaning. I like stuff like `_unused` vs `used` because that has no real effect. But to change semantic meaning based...

please don't include formatting changes with your PR

you're still changing the formatting with indentation

Sure, could you submit a PR to https://github.com/rehooks/template