Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

@ljharb I wouldn't say that distinction is very strongly held, `Reflect.ownKeys()` returns symbols (although I would agree that that is a unfortunately named API) The bigger argument is that most...

`Object.hasOwn()` has been in Firefox Nightly for the last month and they say there haven't been any reported issues: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1711872#c8

Can we replace the setter with a followup proposal for a more generic setters for any position? ```js let arr = [1, 2, 3]; arr.setIndex(arr.lastIndex, 4); arr === [1, 2,...

You might just want to use emmet with JSX. https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime/blob/master/README.md#how-to-expand-abbreviations-with-tab-in-other-syntaxes

I have no idea how to do this. It is now `https://deploy-preview-293--yarnpkg.netlify.com/` though

I'm just going to drop this in here to make a note of it, I don't actually want to discuss it here because it detracts from the actual issue. Features...

@jordwalke It seems to be that the control should be inverted. Rather than having the variables in the "dependencies" of each dependent. It should be in the package itself to...

@ljharb https://discord.gg/yarnpkg

@ForbesLindesay That would be nice, but in it's current form this RFC does not do that. 1. npm won't be able to install the dependency: `"ourGitUrl#0.4.4.(anyOs).(anyCpu)"` 2. many of the...

Shouldn't this be on the `yarn install` page?