Jamie Kyle

Results 221 comments of Jamie Kyle

Well... They're definitely useful in terms of Commands/Requests in the way that Events is, in the sense that you'd want that functionality on many objects. However, without the `stopListening` equivalent...

So to be clear for this thread, we're not talking about adding something to the channel object itself. ``` js myObject = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events); // add some listeners... myObject.stopListening(); //...

@jmeas since `replyFor` and `complyFor` aren't exactly 1-1 with `listenTo` (accepts a string as the first argument for a channel name), should there be `listenFor` or do we modify the...


> special note if its a contributors first PR This would be a really nice bit

Yeah, I think the advice in [css-tricks](https://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/) is only better if you only consider one pattern of building UIs. Compare these two snippets: **Islands of widgets:** ```xml ``` **Trees of...

> which is styled using best-practice short class-only selectors That problem is only difficult because you decided that this was a best practice. Maybe re-evaluate that.

I think this issue belongs in https://github.com/tc39/ecmarkup

I could see a use case for bailing out of pipeline early. ```js // pseudo-syntax let value = a() |> ^ == null ? BAIL_KEYWORD : b(^) |> c(^) ```...

If you want to put the docs in markdown, you could also drop them all into a `docs/` folder that can be used to generate the website. I think it...