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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 456 gin issues
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## Description In [this blog post](, it is stated that the URL for a particular route can be created on the fly with the following method: ```go url := router.Url("homeHandler")...

Related issues:, This PR adds support for two new `time_format` variants: `unixMilli` and `unixMicro`, the former of which is added to make front-end JavaScript code more convenient to...

Is it possible to access the gin.Context object from a template function? Specifically, I would like to read the content of an HTTP header.

I want to divide log path by parameters, so I used middleware below. ``` router.Use(gomiddleware.ApacheFormatLogger(constants.LogDirectory+"/pc_nx.access", func(c *gin.Context) bool { param := models.NewParam(c) return param.IsPCNX() })) router.Use(gomiddleware.ApacheFormatLogger(constants.LogDirectory+"/mobile_nx.access", func(c *gin.Context) bool {...

- go version: 1.12.6 - gin version (or commit ref): 1.4.0 - operating system: Mac osx ## Description We are use golangci as our lint tool, [errchek]( is one of...

Excuse me! What I wanted was that Gin could handle both HTTP and gRPC, either directly with GIN, or through an additional agent, such as the agent listening on the...

while redirecting, debug log only show the path modified, not the original one.

fixes #2959 fixes #2282 fixes #2211 code from please review @appleboy thanks!


- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

Fix issue [#3241]( When the length of the `offered` mime type string is inconsistent with the request's `accepted` mime length, it may cause a panic, but it should actually return...
