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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 456 gin issues
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## Description Currently `c.SetCookie` does not accept cookie `Expire` field which is present in http.Cookie struct and might be important if you want to maintain short lived sessions via cookie...

## What? Proposed fix for ## Why? In cases where we create a context with no engine (e.g. unit tests), it might lead to a nil pointer dereference. ##...


- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

## Description When I using Gin http get request to get the result synchronously, the following panic occurrs. ![1659408791805]( ## How to reproduce The problem occurs occasionally, so I can't...

## Description I have a custom type that implements a few interfaces, including `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` and `encoding/json.Unmarshaler`. I want to use `binding.Uri` to bind path params that include values of that...

当使用session存储数组/切片/map数据类型是,在其他页面取出时会为nil,并且在没有报错的情况下导致其他后存入session的值也存储失败,全部都时nil,请看下图: ![00]( ![1-1]( ![2-2]( ![2-1]( ![1-2](

## Description Why ``Gin`` doesn't have something like this in ``Echo``? So we can have something like: ```Go func main() { g := gin.Default() g.Match([]string{"GET", "POST", "PUT"}, "/hello/:name", handlerFunc)...

hi, how to set the middlewares flow like below ?