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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 456 gin issues
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1.export ErrUnknownType unknown request type 2.code adjust for broken pipe and json invalid and use http.MethodGet instead of raw GET string 3.IsWebsocket check


- Adds encoding.TextUnmarshaler checking to support unmarshaling custom non-struct types. - Adds binding.BindUnmarshaler to support unmarshaling custom structs (from the suggestion in #2673) As of this PR you can support...


## What it solves Currently if enable `RedirectTrailingSlash` or `RedirectFixedPath`, gin will skip any global middlewares and redirect directly. It leads to some problems. For example, recording the path that...


If an addr parameter is not passed in `Run`, it will get `PORT` env variable. If there is not a PORT variable,it will use default port - `8080`. But sometimes,...


When user resets connection to the server, the go's http returns "broken pipe -> write tcp...". There is no needed to panicking because it's common case. Instead of this I...


Currently, Gin supports parsing maps in query strings using `GetQueryMap`. The current implementation, however, is limited to simple maps where values are strings. A simple change to the code enables...


handle Body will return EOF when it used in middleware. - With pull requests: - Open your pull request against `master` - Your pull request should have no more than...

```bash env GOPATH=`pwd` go run form1.go ``` * form1.go ```golang package main import ( "fmt" "" ) type testForm struct { Mode string `form:"mode"` Text string `form:"text"` Voice []byte `form:"voice"`...


This PR updates Accept content negotiation to iterate through multiple Accept headers to find possible negotiable formats, rather than just taking the first Accept header and ignoring the others.

Error parser - new package for getting detailed information about binding errors.