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Create link with router

Open asbjornu opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments


In this blog post, it is stated that the URL for a particular route can be created on the fly with the following method:

url := router.Url("homeHandler")

However, trying to access the Url method yields the following error:

router.Url undefined (type *gin.Engine has no field or method Url)

In what seems to be a fork of Gin 1.7.4, I've found the URLFor function, but I'm unable to find either the containing file template_func.go or the function URLFor in Gin's history. If anyone knows whether such a function has ever existed or something similar to it currently does exist, please shout!

How to reproduce

package main

import (

func home(c *gin.Context) {
	router := gin.Default()
	url := router.Url("home")
	c.String(200, url)

func main() {
	router := gin.Default()
	router.GET("/", home)


Given a gin.Context, I expect to be able to construct a route URL on a whim, anywhere in my application.

Actual result

router.Url is not a method, so it fails:

router.Url undefined (type *gin.Engine has no field or method Url)


  • go version: go1.17.5 darwin/amd64
  • gin version (or commit ref): v1.8.1
  • operating system: macOS 11.6.8 Big Sur

asbjornu avatar Jul 27 '22 12:07 asbjornu

The blog is gin.New() , and you are only gin.Default(), I am not sure if it is affect or not

zy2324 avatar Jul 29 '22 10:07 zy2324

@zy2324, it doesn't affect which methods are available on the gin.Engine whether it's instantiated by gin.New() or gin.Default().

asbjornu avatar Jul 29 '22 10:07 asbjornu