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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 551 gin issues
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I'm serving my index.html like a static file like this: router.StaticFile("/", "../client/dist/index.html") It is a Vue PWA application, but i want to disable the cache for index.html because it is...

``` router.Static("/public", "upload") ``` I want users to be able to access files only when they exist example: /public/aaa/1.png not show the dir when: /public/aaa

http/server.go: line: 3016 net.Listener is close in func http.Server.Serve() by default. // Some code piece of http.Server.Serve() ```golang func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error { if fn := testHookServerServe; fn...

## Description In #2226 and #2609 a fix was discussed and made to prevent timing attacks on the basic auth logic of Gin. However, this was only partly fixed. The...

## Description We have a web server done with gorilla mux and we want to migrate it to gin gonic, but we won't going to do it all at once:...

- With issues: - Lack of precise documentation and developer guide. ## Description As most popular Go framework , Gin lacks precise documentation and developer guide like Java Spring Framework...

Follow-up to fix the merge conflict in Credit to @heyimalex (marked as a co-author in Git) for writing the actual code involved. This causes io.Copy, which calls io.copyBuffer, to...

## Description When we need to downgrade the service, we need to directly reject some urls, but still provide some urls. In this scenario, the middleware needs to be able...

As #638 mentioned, I wonder why this optimization hasn't been implemented for the past 6 years?