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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 472 gin issues
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I am public the frontend with golang+gin and have the load balancer (ingress). The ingress is redirect the request from the browser URL path from URL/web to /. I would...

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

Using go 1.18.3 which seems to be the culprit. Any Ideas? fatal error: concurrent map read and map write goroutine 35790993 [running]: runtime.throw({0xeca7f7?, 0xc000113000?}) C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71 fp=0xc028462cc0 sp=0xc028462c90 pc=0x4343f1...

Allow `/*catch-all` and `/normal` routes coexist, like `/*filepath`, `/users/me`, `/users/*user`. `/users` will match `/users/*user`, and the param will be `[{"user": "/"}]`, unless route `/users/` added. Param and catch-all parts are...

Bumps []( from 1.3.2 to 1.3.4. Release notes Sourced from's releases. v1.3.4 Feature #262 feat: (ast) support casting string to number Bugfix #267 fix: (decoder) StreamDecoder returns error when...



## Description I have a base64 `yJUaW1lIjoiMjAyMi0wOC0wNlQxODoxMzo1Ni45OTA3MjkrMDU6MzAifQo=` which decodes to `{"Time":"2022-08-06T18:13:56.990729+05:30"}` Now I wanted to pass this encoded base64 in `queryparam` and unmarshal it to struct. But I found it...

`go get` is no longer supported outside a module. therefore I changed `go get` to `go install`

- With issues: - Use the search tool before opening a new issue. - Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug. - Review existing issues...

Extract out an interface `api.JsonApi` to restrict all serialization and deserialization behaviors. Developers only need to implement this interface and cover `json.API` value can realize custom json codec. In the...