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The library for web and native user interfaces.

Results 827 react issues
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## Summary ## How did you test this change?

CLA Signed

## Summary removed redundant character escape in RegExp ## How did you test this change? N/A

CLA Signed

## Summary If your linting command encompasses `.json` or `.graphql` files (e.g. `eslint . package.json --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx,.graphql`), and you have react-compiler/react-compiler enabled in your rules object: ``` rules: { 'react-compiler/react-compiler':...

Component: Optimizing Compiler

Stack from [ghstack]( (oldest at bottom): * __->__ #29118 Adds a todo for `for await` syntax. Closes #29113

CLA Signed
React Core Team

React compiler inefficiently re-evaluates code when dependencies that do not affect the result have changed. Specifically, when the hook returns multiple values. Input code: ```ts export default function Test() {...

Component: Optimizing Compiler

## Summary We need a feature like Vue's Keep-alive. Because this is often a basic requirement when developing SI. I really wish this was available by default with self-support.

React 19

Here's a failing test that demonstrates the issue as reported by @eps1lon in When the props object is frozen, the Flight Client's model resolver can't mutate the parent...

CLA Signed

I was trying to port a bigger existing code base to react-compiler. I ran about the issue, that react-compiler requires all expressions used in event handlers to be always resolvable...

React 19

## Summary Fixes: Related: ## How did you test this change?

Component: Optimizing Compiler
CLA Signed

**Summary** This pull request aims to improve the grammar and parallel structure in the documentation for the React library. The motivation behind this change is to enhance readability and clarity...