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## Summary - Fixes typo in react compiler docs ## How did you test this change? - no tests needed!

CLA Signed

Bumps [@babel/traverse]( from 7.1.6 to 7.24.5. Release notes Sourced from @​babel/traverse's releases. v7.24.5 (2024-04-29) Thanks @​romgrk and @​sossost for your first PRs! :bug: Bug Fix babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-traverse #16377 fix: TypeScript...

CLA Signed

Bumps [word-wrap]( from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5. Release notes Sourced from word-wrap's releases. 1.2.5 Changes: Reverts default value for options.indent to two spaces ' '. Full Changelog: 1.2.4 What's Changed...

CLA Signed

Bumps [postcss]( from 8.4.24 to 8.4.31. Release notes Sourced from postcss's releases. 8.4.31 Fixed \r parsing to fix CVE-2023-44270. 8.4.30 Improved source map performance (by @​romainmenke). 8.4.29 Fixed Node#source.offset (by...

CLA Signed

Bumps [tough-cookie]( from 4.1.2 to 4.1.4. Release notes Sourced from tough-cookie's releases. v4.1.4 What's Changed Add local alias for toString by @​corvidism in salesforce/tough-cookie#409 Fix incorrect string validation for...

CLA Signed

Bumps [next]( from 13.5.6 to 14.1.1. Commits 5f59ee5 v14.1.1 f48b90b even more 7f789f4 more timeout ab71c4c update timeout 75f60d9 update trigger release workflow 74b3f0f Server Action tests (#62655) a6946b6 Backport...

CLA Signed

Hi, everyone) The diagram illustrates the architecture and request flow: ![ARCH BFF with Secure SPA Part]( We need a simple way to separate the JS bundle of the solution into...

React 19

An adjacent component that uses `UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps` and `setState` inside of it can cause a `` component to be unable to render. This seems to only be an issue in React...

Status: Unconfirmed

`TypeError: undefined is not a function (near '...e.sub...') (anonymous function) src/backend/index.js:26 23 | // DevTools didn't get injected into this page (maybe b'c of the contentType). 24 | return ()...

Type: Discussion
Component: Developer Tools
Component: Fast Refresh

React version: 18.1.0 ## Steps To Reproduce Run Link to code example: ### app.js ```js import React from 'react'; function Timestamp() { const [now, setNow] = React.useState(; React.useEffect(()...

Status: Unconfirmed