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# Background Currently, the `react-hooks/exhaustive-deps` linting rule allows developers to lint custom hooks. E.g.: ``` { "rules": { // ... "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": ["warn", { "additionalHooks": "(useMyCustomHook|useMyOtherCustomHook)" }] } } ``` While...

Type: Feature Request
Component: ESLint Rules

## Summary - While rolling out RDT 5.2.0 on Fusebox, we've discovered that context menus don't work well with this environment. The reason for it is the context menu state...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

React version: ^18.2.0 ## Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a custom hook that accepts a single argument and fetches data based on that argument. 2. Use the custom hook in...

Status: Unconfirmed

Hi, I want to be able to reset my form easily (after the action succeeded (so with the ability to react to a response of the server)) with JS Disabled...

In Chrome, textareas with minimum length restriction has unexpected behavior when it is form-validated. It seems to be related to [this pull request]( [Here]( you have a demo (code example)....

Status: Unconfirmed

By convention, everyone creates hooks named `useX`. Then we call it to get some stuff. That stuff can include other functions: ``` import { useTenant } from "globalization" const SomeComponent...

Status: Unconfirmed

Components that are rendered in a React.Suspense, along lazy loaded components don't get their layouts measured correctly. This happens because the measurement is done while the lazy loaded components are...

Status: Unconfirmed

## Summary This PR closes #29045 It aims to improve the documentation by fixing the regex to match only the necessary hooks, and also adds some tests to cover those...

CLA Signed

Splits from & The current explanation about "[additionalHooks](" under `react-hooks/exhaustive-deps` might be misleading. The regex in the example catches more than needed. This: ```json "additionalHooks": "(useMyCustomHook|useMyOtherCustomHook)" ``` Will...

Status: Unconfirmed

React version: 18.0.0 ## Steps To Reproduce 1. open the sandbox link. 2. open console. 3. click on the child text you can see on console there is two log...

Status: Unconfirmed