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Results 827 react issues
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After a few seconds of being in a fresh React app in my browser an uncaught runtime exception occurs. This is due to a failed API call that is originating...

Status: Unconfirmed

Stack from [ghstack]( (oldest at bottom): * #29154 * __->__ #29151 Improves ValidateNoRefAccessInRender (still disabled by default) to properly ignore ref access within effects. This includes allowing ref access within...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

About this API: React version: any ## Steps To Reproduce ```jsx Greetings, one and all! Open Popover ``` Link to code example: ## The current behavior - Error...

Component: DOM

### What kind of issue is this? - [X] React Compiler core (the JS output is incorrect, or your app works incorrectly after optimization) - [ ] babel-plugin-react-compiler (build issue...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Optimizing Compiler

## Summary This PR fixes the deadlink in the SSA comment. Previously the attached link is down now. ## How did you test this change? 1. I can confirm the...

CLA Signed

### What kind of issue is this? - [ ] React Compiler core (the JS output is incorrect, or your app works incorrectly after optimization) - [ ] babel-plugin-react-compiler (build...

Type: Bug
Component: Optimizing Compiler

### Website or app ### Repro steps 1. npm install 2. npm run start Point to any component in the page (for example the text "Hi, Welcome back 👋")...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Developer Tools

React version: 18.2.0 I am encountering an issue when attempting to use React version 18.2.0 to build CJS to ESM support in browsers. The problem is related to the cjs...

Status: Unconfirmed

### What kind of issue is this? - [X] React Compiler core (the JS output is incorrect, or your app works incorrectly after optimization) - [ ] babel-plugin-react-compiler (build issue...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Optimizing Compiler

At the "Adding Interactivity" section of the React documentation, under "State: a component’s memory," there are 12 content items to show. When clicking on "show details" for the first content...

Status: Unconfirmed