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**According to the error message, I found that when `injectIntoGlobalHook` function running, `hook.renderers` is `undefined` will make this error!** React version: `react: 18.2.0` `react-dom: 18.2.0` ## Steps To Reproduce 1....

Status: Unconfirmed

Reopening as I feel it'd still be a great feature to have. To reiterate, it'd be great to have a hotkey to trigger the "Select an element in the...

Type: Feature Request
Component: Developer Tools

## Background For a variety of reasons `html`, `head`, and `body` nodes are special in the browser and historically there has not been much heed given to these elements in...

CLA Signed

### Extra details * Similar discussion with extra details and reproducing analysis: * Previous attempt to fix it: (includes some unit tests, but sufficient to be confident in...

Type: Bug
Component: DOM

## Summary ## How did you test this change?

CLA Signed

Hi, in few weeks, I found `useImperativeHandle` is quiet handy for - encapsulation how child component state changing logic implemented, no event handler needs to pass down to child component...

React version: 17.0,2 ## Steps To Reproduce I'm rendering a useMemo that takes its value from a function that contains a hook (the hook uses recoil to manage global state)...

Status: Unconfirmed

This PR implements transition tracing for offscreen trees. Specifically, it: * Schedules a Passive effect on Offscreen fibers that went from visible to hidden * Add a `removeSuspenseBoundaryFromSubtree` function that...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

## Summary Add preset url for feature `open in editor url` - vscode - jetbrain and fix incorrected url parse problem ## How did you test this change? ![image]( ![image](

CLA Signed

### Website or app ### Repro steps 1. Select a palette 2. Select to color to view shades 3. Go back to the colors with the navigation arrow ###...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Developer Tools