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Results 827 react issues
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Stacked on #29038. This lets us expose the component stack to the error reporting that happens here as `console.error` patching. Now if you just call `console.error` in the error handlers...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

## Summary We want to move more of the style parsing boundary into the Fabric renderer, instead of the outputs of the JavaScript preprocessing functions used by Paper. When using...

CLA Signed

## Summary This doesn't include a fix; it just adds a failing test. The test shows React renders duplicate content when `hydrateRoot` renders `null` and then updates the actual content....

CLA Signed
Resolution: Stale

We previously had two slightly different concepts for "current fiber". There's the "owner" which is set inside of class components in prod if string refs are enabled, and sometimes inside...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

## Summary React compiler is compiling ``` async function MyApp({ something }) { for await (const deferredState of foo) { // do stuff } } ``` into ``` async function...

Component: Optimizing Compiler

## Summary For users with Yarn defaulted to >1 / Berry, setting up the repo will result in the creation of the `.yarn/` directory, `yarn.lock` updates, and `package.json` edits. This...

CLA Signed

React version: 8.3.0 ## Steps To Reproduce 1. Repeat content with the same key 2. Get a warning (in your browser dev tools console): >Each child in a list should...

Type: Enhancement

## Summary When using the React Compiler, Fast Refresh is broken when importing a non-JavaScript file, .e.g. ```jsx import content from "./"; export const App = () => { return...

Component: Optimizing Compiler

@poteto asked me to create this issue for discussion. It would be useful for library authors if the React Compiler could work with older versions of React. Libraries often need...

Component: Optimizing Compiler

The plugin options parser lowercases all option values : This breaks the `runtimeModule` option on case-sensitive filesystems (and the module path happens to contain uppercase characters).

Component: Optimizing Compiler