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Results 827 react issues
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### What kind of issue is this? - [ ] React Compiler core (the JS output is incorrect, or your app works incorrectly after optimization) - [ ] babel-plugin-react-compiler (build...

Type: Feature Request
Component: Optimizing Compiler

## Summary Remove Node.js 16 from package.json engines field **Motivation:** This PR removes support for Node.js 16 to align with the React project's recent decision to drop Node.js 16 support...

CLA Signed

## Summary By exporting the `version` for this entry we can avoid this workaround in Next.js: ## How did you test this change? I ran `RELEASE_CHANNEL=stable node scripts/rollup/build.js --type=NODE_DEV`...

CLA Signed

## Summary Fix typo in React compiler ## How did you test this change? Fix typo in React compiler

CLA Signed

## Summary Test for current behavior experienced in ## How did you test this change? - `yarn test --watch packages/react-reconciler/src/__tests__/StrictEffectsMode-test.js -t "effect invovation after key swap"`

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Stack from [ghstack]( (oldest at bottom): * __->__ #29592 * #29591 We were missing a check that ObjectMethods are not getters or setters. In our experience this is pretty rare...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Stack from [ghstack]( (oldest at bottom): * #29592 * __->__ #29591 Fixes #29106 and The issue is that if you pass a global-modifying function as prop to JSX, we...

CLA Signed
React Core Team