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Results 827 react issues
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## Summary 1. Add option `checkAsyncFor` to configure which effect hooks should be checked for async callbacks 2. Fix position/index of `dependencies` parameter in hooks. Dependencies are usually the last...

CLA Signed

## Summary `yarn debug-test` is now deprecated in React package.json. It has been replaced by `yarn test --debug`. ## How did you test this change? I've tried in both a...

CLA Signed

When config.key is not undefined, there is no reason to set key to maybeKey.

CLA Signed

We have a custom hook, `useAsyncEffect`, which works like `useEffect` except it accepts an async function. We would like to check the deps of this function using `exhaustive-deps`, but that...

Type: Discussion
Component: ESLint Rules

Let's add this hook as part of the core. Since this is a common need, many people often ask the question "Why does useEffect not sense ref.current changes?" ```js //...

Type: Discussion
React 18

To use a Web Component in React, you must directly attach an event listener to the React ref for that WC. We could change the implementation so that when React...

Type: Feature Request
Type: Discussion

Stacked Diff. Only look at [this commit]( --- When a child suspense boundary that was added during the transition is deleted is deleted: * Add `{type: 'suspense', name: boundaryName |...

CLA Signed
React Core Team

Currently, the `react-dom` and `react-art` packages each have their own copy of `react-reconciler` compiled into them. This means, if you use them together, you get two copies bundled in your...

Status: Unconfirmed

Here top level errors looks a bit confusing for the developers.further they are directed to rules of hooks page and it mentions that "Hooks are called only at the top...

CLA Signed

When react is inside an iframe, chrome extension for react devtools fails to detect react. This is because the extension sets `__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__` only on the top level window. Apparently it's...

Component: Developer Tools