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React version: ## Steps To Reproduce ```js const dataList = [...Array(50000)].map(() => 1) const d1 = {dataList} const d2 = {dataList} function Apps() {     const [count, setCount] = useState(0)     return...

Status: Unconfirmed

React is not preventing infinite rendering/looping and results in freezing of browser. The root cause of this issue is because the dependency array of `useEffect` compares object/array by reference. But,...

This has already been discussed before (#14740), but there wasn't a reproducing example for this kind of issue and I think that my use case is also a bit different....

Type: Needs Investigation

When testing, this error is encountered pretty frequently despite tests passing the component function as we expect it to function. `When testing, code that causes React state updates should be...

Status: Unconfirmed

React version: 18.2 ## Steps To Reproduce 1. Install a library that doesn't support React 18 (e.g [email protected]) 2. Try to use useState in a component Link to code example:...

Status: Unconfirmed

### Website or app ### Repro steps Use latest React DevTools with Electron (Chromium) (18.2.0 / Chromium 100) ``` (node:80082) ExtensionLoadWarning: Warnings loading extension at ./node_modules/electron-devtools-vendor/extensions/react-developer-tools: Manifest version 2...

Type: Feature Request
Component: Developer Tools

Today I installed the latest version of Flipper(0.135.0) with DevTools version 4.24.3. When debug my app this error appeared I try to install `react-devtools-core` to my project with the same...

Status: Unconfirmed

React version: `18.1.0` ## Steps To Reproduce 1. Go to on a mobile phone (iPhone 12, iOS 15.5) 2. Click in the middle of the block 3. Click on...

Status: Unconfirmed

Bumps [electron]( from 11.1.1 to 15.5.5. Release notes Sourced from electron's releases. electron v15.5.5 Release Notes for v15.5.5 Other Changes Backported fix for CVE-2022-1482. #34040 Backported fix for CVE-2022-1483. #34009...

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