react icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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support devEngines node 17.x ## Summary support devEngines node 17.x ## How did you test this change?

CLA Signed

Fixes ## Summary Attempts to get sourcemaps working. Status: * only the `renderChunk` is commented out for now as I had to give up with that one * Sourcemap...

CLA Signed

React version: 18.1.0 ## Steps To Reproduce ### Code Example ```jsx import React, { useEffect, useReducer } from 'react' function reducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'CHANGE': return {...

Status: Unconfirmed

Re-submit of #19918. Don't know if this works yet.

CLA Signed
React Core Team

React version: 18.2.0 ## Steps To Reproduce 1. I have a simple "Icon" component that lazily imports other components using `React.lazy`: ```jsx import React from "react"; function Icon({ icon, ...props...

Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Concurrent Features Hey, isn't line 89 in block above supposed to be right before line 78? I mean, if `prevSnapshot` and `nextSnapshot` are not equal, but `prevSelection` and `nextSelection` _are_ equal,...

React version: ## Steps To Reproduce 1. 2. Link to code example: ## The current behavior ## The expected behavior React There is no plugin like React-loadable that can load...

Status: Unconfirmed

React version: 18.1 (and prior, also tested on 16.9) ## Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a controlled component of type date, and **set the _required_ attribute**. 2. Set any date....

Status: Unconfirmed

### Website or app Chrome 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit), DevTools version 4.21.0-2f8f60ca8 ### Repro steps 1. Open Chrome dev tools 2. Switch to Components or Profiler tab 3. Select settings...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Resolution: Needs More Information
Component: Developer Tools

When working with React.forwardRef it can be kind of a hassle to make it work, since it can be either a callback ref or object ref. I propose adding a...

Type: Feature Request
Status: Unconfirmed