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Results 827 react issues
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Bumps [jsdom]( from 16.4.0 to 16.7.0. Release notes Sourced from jsdom's releases. Version 16.7.0 Added AbortSignal.abort(). (ninevra) Added dummy x and y properties to the return value of getBoundingClientRect(). (eiko)...

CLA Signed

Bumps [jsdom]( from 16.4.0 to 16.7.0. Release notes Sourced from jsdom's releases. Version 16.7.0 Added AbortSignal.abort(). (ninevra) Added dummy x and y properties to the return value of getBoundingClientRect(). (eiko)...

CLA Signed

fixed react spellcheking on beforeinput bug fixed spellcheking bug in firefox fixed react spellcheking on beforeinput bug fix spellchecking bug on firefox ## Summary This resolves, in which the...

CLA Signed

## Summary Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions + resolve any breaking changes/deprecations/etc along the way. I made each change piece by piece, so the commit...

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I noticed [this unconditional `console.error`]( which I'd like to prevent to keep the console clean from errors that are already "caught" in an error boundary. Maybe a condition on `capturedError.errorBoundaryFound`...

Type: Feature Request

The inspiration for this came from @jasonwilliams 's PR for attempting to add sourcemap output support to React's builds: - - But I figured that it would be...

## Summary fixes #24891 For the full deepdive/context, see: - The below is an excerpt from the above that is specifically relevant to this PR: > If AppVeyor is...

CLA Signed

Regression in master from Found it thanks to the attribute fixture snapshots.

Type: Bug
Difficulty: starter
Component: DOM
good first issue
React Core Team

## Summary ## How did you test this change?

CLA Signed

## tl;dr - Is AppVeyor still used to test against Windows? - Can it be moved to CircleCI? - If not, can we update to use a modern version of...