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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 225 express issues
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### Main Changes Add support for Node 18.19.1 in the CI and appveyor (c7e075814e1cd973e8c43aa959d192a8eb3c68c4) Note: Node 18.19.1 is last version available ### Changelog - c7e075814e1cd973e8c43aa959d192a8eb3c68c4 build: support Node.js 18.19.1 by...


Hello, I have not made a contribution yet, but I would like to be a triager if it is deemed appropriate in line with triager needs :rocket: @wesleytodd @UlisesGascon

This adds a GitHub Action that for the new contributors checks if the PR has a meaningful description and doesn't contain the default text. Otherwise, they are detected as spam...

I have created a table and I think this place can provide convenience In addition, I created areas introducing cooperation, technical committee, triagers. added space for Code of Conduct (unfortunately,...


Node's http module accepts status codes from 100 up to 999. Do we want to lock this down further in express to only accept status codes in the 1xx to...

help wanted
good first contribution

> Edit: Ah, this will take more work than I realized. our current CI uses several cli tools to get its job done. I can make this work, but not...


As discussed in and Here is a proposal to set Node@18 as the minimum version supported by Express v5.x ### Main Changes - Set Node 18 as the...


Adds support for named capturing groups ( Closes

This should be an improved and more flexible fix over No more parsing required, but it does change the encoding behavior of 3 characters (`\`, `|`, `^`). They will...
