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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 229 express issues
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I would like to nominate @carpasse to the triage team. They have been actively helping with GitHub actions and supporting important initiatives such as the OSSF Scorecard (see: **Here...

Hi @dougwilson and Team I hope this improves the feature of express 🚀🚀 This PR is related to #4807 - Send blob response using `res.send(blob)` - Added testcases - It...

Honestly we might already, but opening this issue to track landing support and writing tests. Node 21 added support for a new method! `QUERY` which is awesome, looks to have...


### Edit: actually this should just be a FF merge, or this PR should be completed with a rebase if we have that enabled in github It looks like the...

Hello, I'm running into a problem typing filter query using the express router with my request controller ```ts //router.ts import { listArticles } from "./controller"; const router = express.Router(); router.get("/",...

help wanted

Based on the [IETF RFC4627]( > JSON text SHALL be encoded in Unicode. The default encoding is UTF-8 I updated some references for the `res.json` and `res.jsonp`. The thing is...

[This commit]( broke parsing of valid unicode host names. Now it's only working with English domains. Plus such change shouldn't be done in a patch version, even minor is not...


I was using router.param() method to run middleware in all the routes which has ':department_id'. for example: In my app, the route will be app.use('/department/:department_id/class',departmentRoutes); In my departmentRoutes, child route...

awaiting more info

This is a new version for the documentation. It is based on the experience doing #5505 but with some tweaks. **Key assumptions** - We expect to use PGP to verify...


As per, moving all the documents that explain how the Express.js project is handled to a specific Admin repository. This will allow the organization to have one setup of...