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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 229 express issues
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I know this has been discussed in numerous issues here, but not about this specific case. IMHO the following code ``` js app.route('/user/:id').get(oneUser).delete(delUser).put(updateUser); ``` should send `405 Method Not Allowed`...

help wanted

I am using NodeJS and Express JS. Nodejs doesn't serve static woff , woff2 files How to do it, pl give me sample code.

Hi , I have a problem with express, when enter the following url : http://localhost:3000/% i get the error : Failed to decode param. I use react. `URIError: Failed to...

Hi folks, I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. I also have read and understood the process and best practices around Express triaging. I request a triager...

Hello i want to make a framework based off express like in the docs where theses frameworks do. [link]( but how are they using express under the hood.

I have noticed a memory issue with express: I have create nodejs typescript app having get method which will create an object welcome to implement my business logic. I have...

Hi. I am trying to use a custom middleware which injects the users company in either the request or response objects. I **don't want** to use `declare global` for this,...

2 Docker containers: 1. **Server**: Express.JS REST API with JWT authentication. 2. **Client**: Next.JS app that uses Axios to talk with the server. I tested it on localhost with Docker...

Example as coded does not function. A simple update to support async/await and the actual function names that Node Redis 4 uses.

Express is my Favorite Middleware for node js. I think this one lacks the automatic reloading of those routes that were modified. It is a great feature and would save...