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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 225 express issues
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# Issue ```typescript import { Request } from 'express' ... export async function getServerSideProps(context: GetServerSidePropsContext & { req: Request }) { const variable = context.req?.oidc?.user['parameter']; } ``` ## Tried -...


This is the first time I've ever commited to a public repository, so I hope I've ticked all the right boxes! I wanted to get stuck in and try to...

I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. I also have read and understood the process and best practices around Express triaging. I request for a triager role...


Revolves [issue#5058]( To prevent the issue of not showing the DOM body in the old-versioned browser or HTTPServer in redirecting method, it is better to have the `' and ``...

This addresses Those who wish to exclude `Expires` (but still keep `Max-Age` from the final `Set-Cookie` statement cannot do so if `maxAge` option is passed to `res.cookie`). This proposed...


I want to set a cookie with `Max-Age` only, without having `Expires`. But the following lines 875-876 keep adding the unwanted `Expires`: Setting `expires: 0` does no good to...


I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. I also have read and understood the process and best practices around Express triaging. I request for a triager role...

This is a redo of #2623. Probably didn't need a new PR, but I took a new direction by using the `once` module, and only binding to the error event....


Hi team! I was researching a bit about the current issues with CITGM, there is a PR open to re-add express, but one of the tests is failling. **How...


### Main Changes This PR introduces a new pipeline `.github/workflows/integration-tests.yml`. - Any PR or push will trigger this pipeline, that will execute the `.github/workflows/ci.yml` in `expressjs/examples`. - We select the...

help wanted