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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 229 express issues
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This service recursively checks/lists all licenses within a package's dependency graph. In this case, express has 61 total licenses within its graph. Because there are 3 different license types (MIT,...

- [x] Updated Caching to improve performance - [x] Added Error handling on unspecified paths

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PS C:\Users\WIN 10\Desktop\WebApp> npx express-generator --hbs error: unknown option `--hbs' PS C:\Users\WIN 10\Desktop\WebApp> npx express-generator destination is not empty, continue? y create : . install dependencies: $ cd . &&...

help wanted

I come after this: This seems to be the intended default behavior but in my case I really need namespace. If I let user query /user instead of /user/...

_I started writing this as a reply to but the issue was locked just before I finishing typing my comment._ @dougwilson Thanks for your continued work on express. I'm...


Hey so i have a strange problem. I have two react apps on the same express server that I'm serving as two different routes using app.use('/', express.static('./path_to_app')); and app.use('/map', express.static('./path_to_app_two')....

const httpsServer = https.createServer(serverOptions, app); httpsServer.listen(defaultWebServerConfigVisitHttpsPort, () => { logger.debug('site VisitHttps Server running on port ' + defaultWebServerConfigVisitHttpsPort); }); httpsServer.on('clientError', (err, socket) => { . //This error has been constantly...

when i use node:18.13.0 and express:4.18.2 to upload file, Uploading will fail between 5 minutes and 6 minutes. Firstly, response will emit "close". Secondly, request will be aborted.

Can I catch client error event like POST, PUT, etc? I should catch client error like timeout, disconnect. So I tried like below in log middleware. ``` req.on("error", (error:Error) =>...

I was thinking that maybe makes sense to separate the examples from this repo. There are some cases when CVEs impact some of the examples and the dependencies upgrade are...
