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deps: [email protected]

Open blakeembrey opened this issue 1 month ago • 2 comments

Adds support for named capturing groups ( Closes

blakeembrey avatar Apr 16 '24 21:04 blakeembrey

Should we update the as with the other dependencies

Sure, I can model these PRs like prior commits if that's preferred. I'm just used to doing it retroactively with a release.

Do we need new docs?

I don't think it's necessary, it's pretty niche and most people are likely using the already working string based routing of /:name.

blakeembrey avatar Apr 24 '24 22:04 blakeembrey

Sure, I can model these PRs like prior commits if that's preferred.

It may create conflicts in my PRs though 😓

blakeembrey avatar Apr 24 '24 22:04 blakeembrey