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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 229 express issues
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Here's a first pass at adding a section about planned Org/Repo access levels. This doesn't spell out what _has changed_ or _will change_ about who has access. You can see...


Move from v3 to v4 as it was using a now deprecated version of Node.js 16. It will remove all warning part of each ci run, providing less noise In...

Update dev dependencies only to use up to date packages edit: - [run 1]( failing before 14 because of JavaScript

Hello! I want to write an express rendering engine which uses views retrieved from a database, not the file system. I've checked this repo's issue history and done a lot...


By example: ``` router.options('/', (req, res, next) => { res .status(200) .setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', allowFor('/')) // Without this line works fine. .json({ schema: schemafor('/') }); }); ``` Says: > Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot...

help wanted

Hi everyone, As part of the [OSSF scorecard initiative]( of the security working group, we've been actively working on fixing our CI pipelines and migrating them from Travis to GitHub...

top priority

# deprecate accepting `maxAge` and `expires` in CookieOptions passed to `res.clearCookie`. See > ## I don't want to consider this breaking in v4, but ultimately because even an empty...


`package.json`: ```json { "dependencies": { "express": "^4.19.2" } } ``` `server.js`: ```js const express = require("express"); const app = express(); app.get("/", (req, res) => { throw new Error("foo", { cause:...


Add default value to the isAbsolute function in utils for providing a default behavior when no path is specified, enhancing usability and maintainability.