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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 225 express issues
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I wrote a simple API for learning using express, when I try to send a POST request from POSTMAN it is carried out and returns a success message but when...


I was wondering if we could have a few of the methods that exist on the `window.Request.prototype` since we are all mostly familiar with working with fetch on frontend and...


My application assigns refreshToken to the reponse object as following: newRefreshToken, { httpOnly: true, secure: true, sameSite: 'None', maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }); And when I...


Adding Js to node just makes it easier for newbies to comprehend the docs. I suggest the entire docs replaces Nodejs to Node.js.


Hi, I would like to know if Express 5.0 will have support for http2: I was reading a bit and I noticed that exist a problem with http2 module:...

future returns empty for file under /proc directory like /proc/meminfo, /proc/cpuinfo and others. /proc is a pseudo filesystem, but these files' content can be readable with fs.readFile. I think it...


Hi everyone! I just ran into a bug, where `res.clearCookie()` does not work properly. ## What happen? According to the typescript definitions, `res.clearCookie()` accepts `CookieOptions` as a second parameter (see...


``` const express = require('express'); const testController = require('./test.controller') const router = express.Router(); router.get('/test', testController.getName); module.exports = router; ``` ``` const testController = { getName(req, res,next) { console.log(this.getAge()) res.send("kjkj") },...

This PR is rebased and added tests from We need to disable some tests on http/2, as some node module have issue with http/2. PR pending on resolution of...

needs rebase
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I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. I also have read and understood the process and best practices around Express triaging. I request for a triager role...