David Tolnay

Results 459 comments of David Tolnay

Great question. Yes in my opinion it would be better to have a curated appendix in the side bar with summaries. It can be scary to land on a long...

The other piece of this is that as a discussion converges on a recommendation, it stops being a "soliciting opinions" issue and just becomes a normal issue to write a...

Of course, please go for it!

> I think it's high time we completely revamp Cargo's output. Even one-short-line-per-package feels unnecessarily verbose today. Sharing two recordings for possible inspiration. Both of these build systems' outputs are...

If you are interested in something less hacky, check out https://github.com/facebookincubator/superconsole. Here is some further inspiration from buck2, which uses superconsole for the UI. This is building the same crate...

@bjorn3: in buck there is a `buck log what-ran` command for that purpose, which you'd run after the fact to find out information about the last invocation. I like something...

> That doesn't give you a history after you ran buck again, right? I turned it off for the recording above, but in actual usage buck will print a URL...

@patricksjackson I think the best way to make fast progress on the user interface design without overburdening the Cargo maintainers with reviews or Cargo users with an unstable experience is...

Yeah this PR was poorly titled. This from the PR description is the actual main benefit, which SHA-256 is just a special case of: > 🥳 After this PR, we...

I strongly prefer the 1.0.LARGENUM numbering and it's how I have been doing my crates too. The saving of time by not needing to adjudicate whether every single change is...