David Tolnay

Results 475 comments of David Tolnay

I don't agree with this. A function can have too many arguments whether it is handwritten or generated code. (Of course if it is only called from generated code, that...

cc @mzji and @ishitatsuyuki in case I got anything wrong

Macro_rules' concept of tokens is confusing and it's not just a matter of looking at whether the proc macro token is Joint or Alone: ```rust macro_rules! x { // These...

There isn't a `Token` type in proc-macro2 or Syn because that is exclusively a macro_rules concept and neither crate is geared around manipulating macro_rules. There is no such thing as...

This is a consequence of this compiler bug: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/43081. When calling an attribute macro `#[...]` the compiler will randomly forget all the source code location information like this.

If you feel up to it, could you look into what else is being flagged by `cargo miri test`? I see the following even after commenting out all the downcast_mut...

FFI with C++ is very different from FFI with C so I would flag that C FFI use cases shouldn't be expected to translate well, as you noticed. The real...

This error comes from the fact that in floating point arithmetic, `4750000000000001f64 * 10e-19f64 is 0.004750000000000002`. @maciejhirsz Serde uses `4750000000000001f64 / 10e19f64` because it is more accurate.

Thanks @Mark-Simulacrum, I filed https://github.com/serde-rs/json/issues/128 on our end.

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