David Tolnay

Results 475 comments of David Tolnay

It's defined [here](https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/blob/fccef86d19237857203cdca75d666beca7de32f0/src/cxx.cc#L328). You would need to make sure that whatever linker invocation you are making includes all the C++ and Rust code that this library contains.

Yeah it would need to be a nonmember function where Box\ or UniquePtr\ is the argument type (as opposed to receiver).

I don't know of anything in this crate that would be relevant to the propagation of the target triple. That seems like purely a Cargo behavior. Cargo is responsible for...

`rust::Fn` is not the right type for that use case. They correspond to functions with a Rust ABI, so there is a trampoline to translate the ABI between C and...

That seems fine to allow. Nobody has needed it so far.

Thanks for reporting this! I would absolutely be interested in supporting your use case better. `Box` seems like a reasonable approach to try. Would you like to try it out...

I implemented a JSON-specific workaround in serde_json 1.0.37 so this problem should no longer occur when using JSON, but I'll keep this issue open as we find a way to...

Yes that would be possible to implement. It is not the goal of this crate though.

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you give an example of the enum use case you have in mind?

It is not currently implemented but the same technique would work. I would be prepared to consider a PR adding support for zero-variant enums.