Andrew Scott

Results 123 comments of Andrew Scott

This transformation can potentially be done under the following rules: 1. Every component in the child routes has been converted to `standalone` 2. `AdminModule` does not have any providers or...

> Dear @atscott will this be highly labelized to help people migrate routes automatically? Or providing migration tooling when possible is now less important nowadays and your advice is to...

@gmfun It will only throw in dev mode and throwing is exactly what we want rather than silently ignoring invalid inputs.

Adding blocked label to ensure @pkozlowski-opensource gets a chance to review

This PR was merged into the repository by commit f0da7c2e44a29c5a71cf4880388989d129f4c6e8.

[TGP](;groups=PossiblyNewlyFailing/targets) had 2 test failures. Will need to investigate, fix, and rerun TGP before merging.

[Green TGP](;groups=NewlyFailing,PossiblyNewlyFailing,PossiblyAlreadyFailing/targets)

caretaker note: This has a green TGP (linked above)

@JeanMeche Can you separate this in to two PRs? One that simply adds the `@publicApi` annotation to `EventManagerPlugin` and another that adds the documentation? For the public API change, you...

> @atscott I've reduced the scope of the PR to adding EventManagerPlugin to the public API. > Do you have any clue why getFactoryOf has been added to the goldens...