
Results 152 comments of Aaron

> This particular dialog is wrapped at 40 characters (the default value is 60). Thanks. I will put this on the to-do list, along with the text box refactor and...

Commit 02e2bb66723d92eea132470c7ff3dfd3ad9c8655 makes some progress on fixing this issue. It is almost there now, maybe one character off. I'm not exactly sure how the wrapping is done yet.

I'm not really accepting feature requests, sorry :/ and I don't know how upscaling filters work with SDL_Texture. This would be a very low priority issue.

Oh it just scales the texture dimensions up. I thought it was some OpenGL pixel shader thing. Well this still would be hard to implement in the engine's current state...

> They could just be wedged into the resource-loading path, so that any time the engine reads an image (texture, gui screen, whatever), it then passes that image through an...

I know this is an experiment but I don't want anyone putting in work on this when the renderer is subject to so much change still. Everything needs to be...

Zooming the automap is already on my personal wishlist :P There is a problem with adding zoom though. In the original game, it only captures the 4 nearest chunks to...

Possible solution for this is to have the engine calculate how tall a texel in an Arena mountain texture is in degrees, then move the projected vertices down by that...

A quick look through MOUNT000.IMG through MOUNT022.IMG shows that they in fact don't have a 1 pixel gap at the bottom like I originally thought, which is weird because I...

The volcano in Morrowind does however (VOLCANO1.DFA and VOLCANO2.DFA), so that is one place with the gap. TEMP10.IMG has a gap.