
Results 152 comments of Aaron

Yeah, I'm setting up some stuff on a branch, will advise in a while.

Okay I made a `steam-path` branch. Checkout your own copy of that. Just worry about getting the path working on your preferred OS then I'll do a pass for the...

Not sure, but leaning towards no. There hasn't been any work done there and I haven't touched the WildMIDI part of the code for a long time.

The Readme should be more gamer-friendly and less technical. Technical details should be in the wiki. Maybe the Readme could have the "easiest install" instructions, like just Steam, and the...

Anything that improves our use of GitHub Actions is a good thing. First time hearing about Conan. Just glanced through the changes. I think CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE should be ReleaseGeneric because I'm...

I'd prefer avoiding changes to FindSDL2.cmake because I thought it's kind of a standard file. I don't understand the other CMake changes yet.

I get that same error on my M1 Mac and I use that same change. It'd be good to detect in CMakeLists.txt if the system is Apple and ARM64. >Is...

Thanks. I'll start reviewing this tonight and push revisions. The Readme is not necessary.

I need permission to write to your branch. ```Markdown Enumerating objects: 54, done. Counting objects: 100% (54/54), done. Delta compression using up to 32 threads Compressing objects: 100% (46/46), done....

Okay, I made some changes to bring it more in line with what I'm looking for. Questions: 1. Can we fix the 'here be dragons'? 2. Can we make a...