
Results 152 comments of Aaron

Alright, city generation seems to be more or less working in commit 90574fd4cd2b9d9dd42cdb5d439498b6ba8c1254. There are still a couple problems with some starting positions of blocks, and floor voxels being air...

Oh, the problem with starting positions was from an off-by-one bug in the executable reading, so `TOWN1` was `0, 3` instead of `3, 4`, etc.. And the second issue, I...

For blocks in the reserved block list that go outside the plan, are those just ignored? I.e.: ```Ruby for block in reservedBlocks plan[block]

I'm looking into dungeon generation now. One small question: what does `getRandomSeed()` mean in this? How is it defined? ```Ruby newSeed

Does Arena use one integer for all location IDs (that is, both cities and dungeons)? I'm not sure if I can have a `locationID` that's 0-47 instead of a `localCityID`...

Horizontal and vertical camera sensitivity are in the options. Don't remember if they affect classic mode though.

I haven't invested time in disassemblers/tools like Ghidra, but if you want to play around with the decompressed A.EXE/ACD.EXE used by OpenTESArena, start with `ExeUnpacker.cpp` and try writing `this->exeData` out...

Added log file support to the Debug class in 0d7c9352b1f87ef3a29a2a69208a720261eb0bbf and checked that it works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also deletes the oldest log upon passing 10 files....

Still seeing this texture scaling issue on my rendering branch.

Okay. This issue is related: https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena/issues/101