
Results 12 issues of Aaron

The existing software renderer is a naive 2.5D ray caster and retains several poor design choices from the past few years. Although it has a couple optimizations like multi-threading and...


In the original game, fog is an extra layer in screen space that follows the player around and acts like a mask over the scene. ![fog](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6729557/113977717-da4b0d00-97f7-11eb-9597-459d3004abc0.png) I experimented with FOG.TXT...

help wanted

The buffer view classes in [components/utilities/](https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena/tree/fb9db1509f83f18a8c630cc3acee23a693ce07d7/components/utilities) (BufferView, BufferView2D, BufferView3D) are currently a little underutilized and inconvenient, and I would like them to work more naturally with the buffer classes (Buffer,...

help wanted

While assisting @ZeriBun with compiling OpenTESArena in Visual Studio, a number of friction points about the current process came up: A. What to do with OpenAL Soft/SDL2 downloads B. Environment...

help wanted

See #164 and #169. 3D ray cast selection is implemented but it is not completely correct. Visual debugging code is available at the highest profiler level. Rays are cast out...

help wanted

There are enough objects in the world now that it seems reasonable to start looking at collision code. The current collision code is very barebones and was written to only...

help wanted

This is easier to see at a lower FPS like 10 or 15. I wanted to avoid a while loop there since that would probably be too slow for thousands...

help wanted

The MIDI tracks PERCNTRO.XMI and SHEET.XMI loop over and over, but SUNNYDAY.XMI (in the game world) only plays once.


In #243 it sounds like reading Steam paths and config files should be the default way forward for loading game files on all platforms. Downloading Arena from the Bethesda website...

Since Arena is a DOS game, it doesn't really have a common location on modern filesystems. It would be nice to automatically support paths like the player's Steam folder now...

help wanted