
Results 152 comments of Aaron

I think FOG.TXT is actually used. Here are some notes from WalterPPK on Discord: > fog is generated by some very very complicated algorithm (akin to perlin noise?) > it...

I will try that soon. I am figuring out rain and thunderstorms right now, it seems fairly easy except for the lightning bolt generation.

Need to add TXT file support to the texture manager (ironically). It's not really a text file. https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena/commit/f2a5ee16cd2f1cade49bace99879d2cc06b6cc95

Thank you! I didn't know lightning bolts were just CFA files. I think I can get rain and thunderstorms done now. Do thunderstorms only happen during the night? I haven't...

I'm able to get accurate time precision with my Clock class. I use that for streetlights and things already. https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena/blob/be8e83d6f035287b19925b45a37b7e41d2263d52/OpenTESArena/src/Game/ArenaClockUtils.h#L8

Rain and snow are done. Will be looking at thunderstorms next. I think I have everything I need, just need to do it.

Thunderstorms now have flashes and sound. Adding lightning bolts tomorrow probably.

Lightning bolts are working. Now this issue can be focused back on fog rendering.

> As a temporary implementation, you can generate a random 40x25 array of 0..`MAX(FOG.LGT)>>8`, zero out the 9th row, and draw a linear gradient for each 8x8 pixel block on...

Ah okay, I think it's coming together in my head now. Since `MAX(FOG.TXT) >> 8` is 10, the light levels will be 0 to 9, which means the fog thickness...