
Results 152 comments of Aaron

The difference in look for those two textures is because the texture coordinates for raised platforms aren't properly being used yet (`box3a`, `box3b`, and `box4` in [ExeData.h](https://github.com/afritz1/OpenTESArena/blob/bcf9b5cbbd64d6a7d925172c1ba7eda352a9471c/OpenTESArena/src/Assets/ExeData.h#L448)). Those values should...

Yeah, the ceilings are easy like Carmina16 said. I'm assuming everything in `MAP1` is just air, too? Not sure about default values for the floor. So like I said above,...

Almost got the rendering to work in PR #200. Currently dealing with some ray casting math errors but the floor and ceiling of adjacent chunks should be working soon. I'm...

This image is after sidestepping through that half wall with collision turned off while facing north. The bending is due to the ray casting error I mentioned. Still working out...

Oh right, the ceiling ID is just whatever *CEILING is in the .INF file.

Okay the ceiling rendering is working like it should now. ![screenshot000](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6729557/109752139-b5c69a00-7b94-11eb-8738-c50de832e9e0.png) Here is what it looks like from outside the level: ![screenshot001](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6729557/109752165-c0812f00-7b94-11eb-9672-62af1e399dbf.png) Texture coordinates is a separate issue I'm not...

The chunk system part of this issue is done (#200), so renaming this issue to be just about texture coordinates.

Fixed in commit da5b86f64c686b8bffc7bd61ac797129f61a6c61. Leaving this open until these are done: - [ ] Sort voxelEntityMap pair.value by projected entity position Z (can check with trees that overlap each other...

The initial ray cast bug seems to still appear on the underside of raised platforms in the wilderness as of current master. Could be because the raised platforms extend outside...

I think the source of the problem is that `BufferView::data` is `T*`, so if we just do `std::remove_const` on the `Buffer::get()` in `BufferView(const Buffer&)`, then we could assign the pointer....