CompactCalendarView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CompactCalendarView copied to clipboard

An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.

Results 105 CompactCalendarView issues
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In activity there is no problem but in Fragment when I called setListener, app is freezing and sliding is not smooth it is freezing. It is weird but ı cant...

Using 'compile' to declare grade dependencies is obsolete, updated read me to use 'implementation' instead

is there any way to remove current day background color? i dont want to change it to transparent because it will overwrite the event indicator.

Added support for custom typefaces in Android Oreo and above.

Choreographer: Skipped 63 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. I got this message while sliding. But this is in fragment. In activity there...

How to check if any date is having an events dot because I want only one dot if there are multiple events or one. But right now it is showing...

Sir Please help me to set typeface in days name and number shown in calendar view. Thank you


Hi, @SundeepK this calendar is Great, but i still need some customize here. i need set the weekend text color become red color. or how to intercept the Binding process...


How can i show event count like +12 below the date in calendar.

`com.github.sundeepk.compactcalendarview.domain.CalendarDayEvent;` Not getting this above class and setShouldShowMondayAsFirstDay of CompactCalendarView class. I had project included as module and when I used `implementation 'com.github.sundeepk:compact-calendar-view:'` I am not getting above mentioned class...